
Check out our affordable prices


  Standard Price
Initial Consultation £54.00
Repeat Consultation £49.00


  Standard Price
DHLP Puppy Vaccination Course £99.00
DHLP Booster £69.00
Kennel Cough £73.00
DHLP & Kennel Cough Booster £114.00
FLU/ENT/LEUK Kitten Course £112.00
FLU/ENT/LEUK Booster £74.00
Rabbit Myxomatosis & RHD £77.50


  Standard Price
Bitch Spay (for weight's less than 25kg) £349.00
Bitch Spay (25kg - 44kg) £409.00
Bitch Spay (for weight's more than 44kg) £472.00
Dog Castrate (for weight's less than 25kg) £223.50
Dog Castrate (25kg - 44kg) £257.50
Dog Castrate (for weight's more than 44kg) £336.00
Cat Spay £119.00
Cat Castrate £96.50
Microchip £28.64

Prices updated January 2024

All prices include VAT.

We request that payment for treatment is made in full at each consultation.  Operations should be paid at the time of collection of your pet.  All major credit cards are accepted.

If your animal is insured our protocol is for you to pay us and then claim from your insurance company.  Please bring a completed and signed insurance form with you and we will promptly fill in the veterinary section ready to be forwarded to your insurance company.

Thank you for your co-operation.